Nutritional Value & Health Benefits of Fenugreek

Because fenugreek has some amazing health benefits that could transform your health and change your life for the better. Fenugreek helps reduce both internal and external inflammation … in addition to improving your sex life and reproductive function, as well as enhance nutrition for babies! Fenugreek also help with numerous digestive problems. The water-soluble fiber in fenugreek, among other foods, helps relieve constipation. It also works to treat digestion and is often incorporated in an ulcerative colitis diet treatment plan due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Fenugreek also seems to benefit those with heart conditions, such as hardening of the arteries and high blood levels of certain fats, including cholesterol and triglycerides.

In fact, a research study showed that administering 2.5 grams of fenugreek twice daily for three months to people dealing with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus significantly lowered cholesterol naturally, along with triglycerides, without affecting HDL cholesterol. Fenugreek also helps breastfeeding women who may experience low milk supply. Fenugreek can increase a woman’s breast milk supply because it acts as a galactagogue, which is a substance to increase milk supply. This stimulates the milk ducts and can increase milk production in as little as 24 hours.

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