Youth falling prey to Heart Diseases and Diabetes

National Institute of Health and data from multiple other studies show that Diabetes and Heart Diseases have started encroaching upon the health of the youth from the age of 25-30 years.

The faulty lifestyle, extremely poor physical activity, junk eating, depression, stress and lack of conscience are some of the most common but grave etiological factors.

Maximum of my patients falling between 25-30 years of age under Homoeopathic treatment complaining of Hairfall or Skin problems, by default fall into the overweight to obese body mass index who have a very low physical activity. It is eother due to long working hours or a faulty lifestyle.

Most of the youth today are living away from their homes either for their education or work. It becomes difficult to prepare every meal as per diet or search for the particular food items in the local market after a long day of more than 12 hours of office work. Such patients usually have no time to exercise. They have a very poor sleep of approximately 4-5 hours as they go to bed at around 1:30 – 2:00 am.

The students themselves are forced to eat from the mess or are managing their appetite with some local fast food, chips and stall food, which is no source of good quality nutrients.

Diabetes among the 50+ population has become so common that the mentality of living with the disease and neglecting the serious approach is infiltrating the society. It is only when the son or daughter of the family is diagnosed with high blood sugar/ hypertension/ elevated lipid profile, etc. that the entire family starts taking their disease seriously. Why this casual approach?

I recently came across a postmortem report of a young girl in her early 30s who had underlying coronary artery disease and lost her life due to Myocardial infarction or heart attack. Is this the age to get MI? Ask this question to yourself so that you start taking your life seriously.

Some healthy guidelines for my young patients:

1. If you have started putting on unhealthy weight, it is obviously because of the bad fat content in your food. Make a diary of 1 week listing what all you have fed yourself and you’ll understand the cause of this unhealthy weight gain.

2. 30 minutes of brisk walking daily is a must. If you have a gym at your workplace or any fitness activity class nearby be responsible enough to take charge of your health and join it.

3. Have 3 cod-liver oil capsules and eat 1 fist roasted flax seed daily to provide your body the essential good fatty acids.

4. Vit E and Vit C are potent anti-oxidants which will keep your blood vessels and organ tissues healthy. Consuming “home-made” fresh nimbu pani or eating amla/orange/mosambi//ripe tomates will always help. Vit E is rich in nuts and soyabean. With the advise of your family doctor you can opt for Vit E or Vit C supplements – avoid self medication.

5. Drinking water is utmost important. I’ve seen people doing all sorts of gimmicky detox diets, the best detox happens through your urinary system, digestive system, respiratory system and skin. Our body has inbuilt detox already. Drinking 4-5L of water/day is the best detox liquid for your body.

6. Excessive alcohol consumption decreases the liver function directly. Liver is the main “detox” organ of your body. Once it fails to function, the quality of life is worsened. Watch your alcohol intake.

7. Visit the family doctor for routine checkup at least once in a month. Do wait for the symptoms to begin. It is the best way to monitor your health indicators like your weight, blood pressure, etc. and the doctor will address any new complaint and immediately the treatment will be started.

8. Eat the food which has life – vegetables, cereals, pulses, fruits, poultry, fish, nuts, etc. Packed, processed foods are a shortcut to diseases.

9. Avoid self-medication. If you have headaches/ migraine, obesity, hypertension, diabetes – I’ve seen patients buying OTC medicines from the chemist or self diagnosing from the internet or using the medicines given to their family member or ordering some detox powders from internet. It is highly dangerous. Consult an expert. No trial and error should be done with the health.

I hope you’ll understand the depth of this write-up and start taking care of yourself. We want young and healthy population and not a diseased generation.

– Dr Sharayu R : Diet & Nutrition | Yoga & Fitness | Homoeopathy
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